Happy Valentines Day, "P." I love you.
Love Sonnet LXXXIX
by Pablo Neruda
Happy Valentines Day, "P." I love you.
Love Sonnet LXXXIX
by Pablo Neruda
Elizabeth writes: "I just wanted to make you aware of some new legislation called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. It is already a law but goes into effect Feb. 10 2009 and was created because of the increase of items with lead coming into the country from China. In essence, this law requires that items for children under age 12 be submitted for lead and phthalate testing. Testing is extremely expensive ($100-$1000/item) and destroys the product being tested. Any items that are not tested as of Feb 10 2009 will be considered "hazardous" by the CSPC and will have to be destroyed. If a manufacturer is caught selling with out a certificate of testing, they can face around $100,000 in fines per item that was sold. While in theory a good law, the details are horrendous.
This legislation will KILL handmade baby and kids items. Under this legislation, each one of a kind item will have to be tested. Since all my items are one of a kind and special, they would each have to be subjected to expensive testing and then destroyed making it impossible for me to continue with Hoobaleedoos. This legislation, that was designed because of problems with imports from China, will leave consumers with no choice but to purchase import items from China. Huge manufacturers will be the ONLY ones that can afford this testing. This will eliminate the wonderful, unique and already safe goods that handmade offers.
This legislation will not only impact me as a manufacturer. This legislation will increase the costs of baby/kids goods that are already purchased by consumers. Large manufacturers will have to increase their costs due to the costs of testing. Many people in our country are hurting financially already and this will only increase their financial problems. The CSPIA will, also, impact charity donations. Items without certification of testing will not be allowed to be donated to ANY organization. This eliminates things like grannies donating knit caps to NICU units and donations of toys and clothes to the Salvation Army! After Feb 10 2009, I couldn't even donate my items to any charity organization. The CPSIA will, also, impact you! Any baby/kids items will have to be pulled from your shelves as of Feb 10th 2009, which has become known as NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY DAY. I don't know how much of your stock is for kids under age 12, but many small brick and mortar stores will have to close because they do so much business in baby/kids items.
I cannot emphasize enough how this legislation will negatively impact all of us and the need to fight for amendments to it.
If you would like to help fight the CSPIA as it is written now, please look over the links below. We have until Jan. 30th to get our voices heard! We are in dire need of your help!
Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be able to help!
Youtube video that sums up this law very well:
Please take a moment to vote to help save us all from the CPSIA!!
According to change.org:
"The top 10 ideas are going to be presented to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day and will be supported by a national lobbying campaign run by Change.org, MySpace, and more than a dozen leading nonprofits after the Inauguration. So each idea has a real chance at becoming policy."
Sign the petition:
An easy way to write your Senator/Congressman about the CSPIA:
Make a statement or ask a question to the CSPC about the CSPIA
This little tidbit is for all of you who doubt the existence of “pregnancy brain.” My husband swears it is a phenomenon I have invented and am the only one in the world who suffers from this imaginary affliction. As if the detailed lists he finds around the house are not proof enough. Or the calls he receives when I find myself driving through town with not a clue as to where I am going or why I left the house!
So now, in the fifth month of my pregnancy, things have escalated to the point of having to write them down as I say them, just to keep myself on track! A few days ago, while on the phone with the hospital records department, I had to spell my ex-husband’s last name. Sitting at my desk, I doodled the name one time on a paper as I spelled it to the secretary. Hanging up, I looked down, shocked to see the name written there. Quickly, I scribbled it out and left the office, thinking no more of it.
Later when my husband came home from work, he came to me and said, “miss your old last name, do you?” It took me some seconds to figure out where that came from and then I kicked in my old standby—“pregnancy brain, dear! I am not even aware of what I am doing half the time!” Of course, he denied the validity of my claim but we had a good laugh.